Frage deutsch
Wie kann ich Spezial-Fonts in meine QBasic-Programme einbauen? (für Grafik-Screens; evtl. TrueType-Fonts)

Question English
How do I make my own fonts or use ready-made special fonts?

Antwort 1
[ von Tobias Doerffel ("todo";
mailtodo* ), per Mail, 29.4.02 ]
Entweder durch direkte Manipulation der BIOS/VGA-Zeichentabellen oder durch eine selbst geschriebene PRINT-Routine.
Die direkte Manipulation zeigt FONTDEMO.BAS, welches man bei unter Downloads/Fonts (?) downloaden kann, sehr eindrucksvoll.
Oder man schreibt wie schon gesagt eine eigene Routine zum Ausgeben von Zeichen/Text. Das ist auch nicht sehr schwer. Auch da sei auf unter "Download -> Fonts" verwiesen.

Antwort 2
[ von Triton ( ) ]
Es gibt 2 Möglichkeiten, andere Schriftarten in Dein Programm einzubauen. Die erste, mit Abstand am meisten genutzte ist die mit externen Font Dateien. Dabei werden die Buchstaben, Zahlen und Zeichen praktisch als kleine Bitmaps in einer großen Datei gespeichert. Die externen Dateien haben den Vorteil, dass viele verschiedene Schriftarten benutzt werden können. Im Internet findet man vorrangig Routinen die QBF Dateien laden und anzeigen können. Der Nachteil hierbei ist aber, dass man bei praktisch keiner Routine die größe der Schriftart ändern kann. Beispiele für die Anwendung von QBF Fonts ist das Programm "Mirage" das TheShadow geschrieben hat (nähere Infos auf ).
Ein Beispiel für die 2. Möglichkeit ist NanOS (nähere Infos auf ).
Hier ist die Schrift in Form von DRAW-Strings im Programmcode integriert, wodurch schon mal schnelle Ladezeiten entstehen. Da man bei DRAW ändern kann, welche Abstände gezeichnet werden sollen, kann man auch die Schriftgröße ändern - der gravierenste Vorteil dieser Methode. Allerdings ist es nachteilig, dass es sehr mühsam und zeitaufwändig ist, die ganzen Zeichen zu entwerfen. Daher werden Schriftarten nicht so rund wie die von QBF Fonts. Für welche Methode Sie sich letztendlich entscheiden ist ihre Wahl. (Ein vereinfachte Font Routine auf DRAW Basis kann man hier runterladen: -> ISN -> QBasic Downloads -> Tools ) .
Der Fonteditor von Mirage z.B ist dazu ebenfalls ein sehr komfortables Tool, bei dem auch die Font_Größe veränderbar ist. Zudem kann man dann mehrere Schriftarten parallel nutzen (Formal *.qbf). Download .

Antwort 3
[ von The Shadow ( ), im QB-Forum, 21.5.02 ]
Ich habe auf meiner Webseite eine andere Font-Routine. Da kannst du sogar die Schriften selbst erstellen
Du kannst die Fontroutine z.B. aus Mirage "klauen"
Antwort 4
[ von Andreas Meile im QB-Forum 2.1.02 ]
Das VGA-BIOS bietet mit Hilfe von INT 10, AH=11h die Möglichkeit, eigene Zeichensätze in den Charakter-Generator zu laden. Genau von dieser Möglichkeit solltest Du auch Gebrauch machen! Wirf dazu einen Blick in
wo ich einige Routinen demonstriere. Für das Selberprogrammieren bitte nach
und speziell nach
arbeiten! Hinweis: Das MS-DOS-Codeseiten-System macht auch von dieser
Möglichkeit Gebrauch!

Antwort 5
[ von TT-Soft ( ) per Mail, 18.1.02 ]
Spätestens beim Thema Fonts rate ich jedem zu einer Library. Ich persönlich favorisiere die Future.Lib, die das Erzeugen von Spezial-Fonts bequem ermöglicht.

Antwort 6
[ von Breeze ( PedderBank* ) im QB-Forum, 30.9.2003 ]
Das geht mit DOS-Font, einem Gemeinschaftsprojekt von A.K. und mir. Download auf

Antwort 7
[ von Peter Vollenweider (
peter.vollenweider* ) im QB-Forum, 23.12.2002 ]
Hier ist ein Programm, das eine Schrift im Grafikmodus 12 in halber Größe anzeigt:
' SMALFONT.BAS = Kleine Schrift in SCREEN 12/13
' ============
' Dieses Q(uick)Basic-Programm erzeugt eine halb
' grosse Schrift im Grafikmodus 12 und zeigt die
' aktuelle Uhrzeit in dieser Schrift alle sec an.
' (c) Peter Vollenweider, 23.12.2002 - 26.2.2003
' (peter.vollenweider*
SCREEN 12 'SCREEN 13 geht genausogut
FOR x = 1 TO 14
OUT 968, x
OUT 969, x * 4
OUT 969, x * 4
OUT 969, x * 4
DIM buffer(31, 7)
ON TIMER(1) GOSUB printtime
LOCATE 1, 1, 0
ERASE buffer
FOR y = 0 TO 15
FOR x = 0 TO 63
x. = INT(x / 2)
y. = INT(y / 2)
buffer(x., y.) = buffer(x., y.) + POINT(x, y)
FOR y = 0 TO 7
FOR x = 0 TO 31
PSET (x, y + 16), buffer(x, y) \ 4
Das obige Programm steht im Verzeichnis Progs\ zur Verfügung sowie online unter .

Answer 8
Well, you have a few ways to take this on. One, you can make a data file containing the pixel locations of letters, like a 1 would be color on, 0 off, or make it a unique color, two, you could draw out all your characters, and GET and PUT them (you might want some masks), or, you can make string data, and DRAW them out (the hard way). Or, you can do it the easy way, and grab a font program from the fonts section in QCity. Hope that helps!

Answer 9
[ by Sam Thursfield <sam.thursfield*> ]

Fonts in QuickBasic

Storing Fonts
Maybe you want to jump straight into making the greatest font suite ever, but first you're going to need a decent file format to store the fonts in. There are quite a few ways, my favourite is the binary way, which I used for vFont 3 files.

The Binary Way
This is a very common way. It's used by all the BIOS fonts, by vFont 3, DOS and many others. Basically, it's a string with one character for each line. It's stored in a common and effective way, the way I use for vFont3; it's quite hard to work out by hand, though. First you need the font data. It's got to be eight lines across (if you want less, leave the rest blank), but it can be any length down. Try this 8*16 character...
You may have worked out that it says help...Anyway, to convert each line to the right number, you check which numbers are used, and add them together. For the first line it's:

Position 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

Value 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
The only numbers used are 32 and 8, so we add them together to get 40. Therefore the first line of the character would be 40. Each line is called a bitpattern, because technically that's what it is.

The Byte-per-Pixel Way
This is also a popular way. It takes up much more space, but it is much easier to use and more flexible. You can store coloured fonts in this way by simply having the colour number instead of just a 1 or 0. This is a very simple format, check out JFont! to see how simple it is. The character in the example above would be stored like this:
It's that difficult!

The Vector Way
Vectors fonts are very hard to draw and exceedingly difficult to code. Truetype fonts are stored as vectors, because they're very flexible and resizable. You can stretch them every which way without them ever looking blocky, although they might look out of proportion.
For those who don't know, vector graphics is a common way of storing things like clipart. A vector file is just stored as a list of shapes, their sizes, colours, fill styles, thicknesses and various other properties. CorelDRAW! uses vectors, have a play with that sometime.
Textmode Fonts
You can change the font used in text mode (Screen 0), and I'm going to show you how to, but not until I've shown you a quick tip on fast textmode printing. You can use print, but if you're doing something like animation, or a textmode GUI (VBDOS style) or something else then it's faster to poke directly to the textmode video memory. No...don't DEF SEG straight to &ha000, because nothing will happen. When you're in textmode then all the action happens at &hb000 if you're on a monochrome monitor, or &hb800 if you're blessed with the gift of a colour monitor (these days, most people are ;^). Anyway, the screen is stored with the character first, the colour second. If you don't understand, try this little code snippit:
DEF SEG = &HB800
POKE 0, 254
POKE 1, 15

What this does is put a bright white square (ascii 254, colour 15) in the top left of the monitor. If it doesn't work and you've got a black and white monitor, buy a new one. In the mean time, change &hb800 to &hb000. I just thought I'd share that tip with you. we can get stuck in to Fonts in Textmode!
There are quite a few DOS font editors, my personal favourite is the one by Davey W. Taylor. You can get it from somewhere on the ABC website: It's got a font to com converter, a decent editor, and some other stuff.
((Fig. missing))<- This is the main screen of Davey W. Taylor's font editor. It's not brilliantly pretty or user-friendly, but I managed to use it well enough, all those years ago. It's also got programs to change the dos font and it can even convert a DOS font to a COM file, which changes the font each time it is run. The font inside is a font I made. It's quite crap, but I spent AGES perfecting it, trying to use QB in it, failing, etc.

So, you want to customise the fonts yourself, eh? Well, it goes like this: You have to use interrupts. The call is:
INT 10h
AX = 1100h
BX = Length of font data (16 for one character, 256*16 for the entire character set).
CX = Number of characters to change
DX = The character number to start the change at
ES = Segment of font data
BP = Offset of font data
The fonts are stored in a string with the binary method (see Storing Fonts). It's pretty self-explanitary, so I won't go into detail more.
Graphical Fonts
Well now, graphical fonts can be stored any way you like. If you want to write your own font routine, you can use any of the routines listed in Storing Fonts or invent one of your own.
Firstly, you'll need to make a font to use. You can either make a font editor - which isn't as difficult as it seems - or just nick a font from the BIOS. The BIOS fonts are stored with the binary method (look at Storing Fonts again), and you can just read them straight from memory. They start at FFA6:000E and are stored sequentially, with 8 bytes per character (one for each line). If you want 8*16 fonts, they're at 045A:0006, and of course they're 16 bytes per character.
Well, once you've got your font file, be it made in an editor, freshly picked from the BIOS or pinched from somewhere else, you're going to need to display it. If you want to see mine, download my own vFont3 system, which has a fairly basic editor but is a good general font routine. You can get from my website, address at the end.
In the way of parameters, your font routine's going to need the x and y position, the colour and the string to print. That's all the important ones, but you may need more: styles, font to use, etc.
You've got to work through the string one at a time, so have a for loop counting the current character you're on in the string. Then work out the position of the character; an array offset or memory address or something else. Work down line by line on the character, and draw each line. Bold is simple: draw two pixels across for every one. That'll make a cheap bold effect. Shadowed is even simpler, all you have to do is call the routine again, adding 1 to the x and y positions, and a different colour. And of course without the shadow perameter.. For italic, add the line number subtracted from the height of the fonts to each line. Look, I find it hard to explain things. How about an annotated version of some of my own font, vFont3:
These constants are for the Style parameter. They're bits to set. Testing for them is done with AND, so you can have, say, shaded and italic, just by supplying 3, or Shaded + Italic.
CONST Shaded = 1
CONST Italic = 2
CONST Shadowed = 4
CONST Underlined = 8
'This can be supplied as the x parameter, which prints the font in the centre of the screen. Why are there two definitions?
'Because I spell it the British way (being English) but most people don't.
CONST Centred = -32767
CONST Centered = -32767
'Because I made this for use in any screen mode (I've used it in most modes from SCREEN 1 on my Amstrad to 1024x768
'with Future.library) it can't automatically determine the screen mode, so you must set this to be able to centre text.
'This holds the font data. In the 1st dimension it's 0-255 for the characters, in the 2nd element 0 is the width of the character
'while 1-16 are the lines (stored with the binary method). To put them into files, I just BSAVEd the whole array.
'This is the heart of the system. Let me explain the parameters for you:
' xPos and yPos are self-explanitory, the pixel positions of the text.
' Text$ is also pretty obvious, being the text to be printed.
' Col isn't hard to work out either, it's the colour of the text.
' bCol is the shadow colour, not used to anything else.
' Style holds all the required Style constants added together.
' FontArray() has the actual font used.
SUB vFont (xPos, yPos, Text$, Col, bCol, Style, FontArray())
'This code checks if centring is required. If it does, it uses the standard centring formula. vLen is a function listed next.
IF xPos = -32767 THEN xPos = ScreenWidth \ 2 - vLen(Text$, FontArray()) \ 2
'For some reason that I can't explain, vFont always draws the characters backwards, starting with the right-most line and
'ending on the left. That means I must advance the position first. xx and yy are the current text position. The - (5 * (Style AND
'2)) the sort of thing I like. I hate having hundreds of IF...ELSEs, so I have formulas. (Style AND 2) returns -1 if italic is used,
'and 0 otherwise. Therefore, 5 * (Style AND 2) will be 0 if italic is off and -5 otherwise. Take it away from 7, it adds 5 to it.
'Get it? I know they make the program hard to read, but they make it smaller and more effecient.
xx = xPos + 7 - (5 * (Style AND 2))
yy = yPos
'Ok...this needed an IF. If it's shadowed then we call this sub again, but with bCol as colour, Style with the Shadowed attribute
'removed, and 1 taken away from xPos and yPos (another symbol of vFont's backwardsness). You'll notice vFont doesn't actually need
'the style constants to run, they're just provided to make it easier for the user.
VFont Xpos - 1, YPos - 1, Text$, BCol, 0, Style - 4, FontArray()
'Right, this is the main loop. Chr goes through each letter in the string to be printed. Fairly obvious, huh?
FOR Chr = 1 TO LEN(Text$)
'MemPtr is a remnent from vFont the old version, it read the font straight from the BIOS...this has the pointer, if you
'ever wanted it.
'MemPtr = 8 * ASC(MID$(Text$, Chr, 1)) + &HE
'l is the current line in the present character. It does do all sixteen lines, in an 8*8 font the rest just have a bitpattern of 0.
FOR l = 0 TO 15
'Bitpattern has the current line data in it. The reason it gets it from l + 1 in the array is that element 0 has the width of
'the character.
BitPattern = FontArray(ASC(MID$(Text$, Chr, 1)), l + 1)
'I thought it would get a bit (more) complex if I used a formula for italic as well, so I went for readability rather than
'size here.
'Let me explain the drawing routine..this just draws one line of the character. It's for the italic text, so xx has to
'be made to 'lean'. This is done by adding half the line number subtracted from 15, to reverse it. I ain't got a clue
'why it needs to be halved, but it does. yy obviously needs the line number added to it. Usually, it just uses Col
'as the colour, but if shaded is used then this formula will stop being zero: - (15 - L) * (Style AND 1).
'You know QB does multiplication before addition, so it only does this if Style has one, meaning the user wants
'fancy shaded text. It then does the 15-l on the colour, so it is shaded from Col down 15 colours. It's not
'brilliantly flexible, but it works.
IF (BitPattern AND 1) THEN PSET (xx + (15 - (l \ 2)), yy + l), Col - (15 - l) * (Style AND 1)
IF (BitPattern AND 2) THEN PSET (xx + (15 - (l \ 2)) - 1, yy + l), Col - (15 - l) * (Style AND 1)
IF (BitPattern AND 4) THEN PSET (xx + (15 - (l \ 2)) - 2, yy + l), Col - (15 - l) * (Style AND 1)
IF (BitPattern AND 8) THEN PSET (xx + (15 - (l \ 2)) - 3, yy + l), Col - (15 - l) * (Style AND 1)
IF (BitPattern AND 16) THEN PSET (xx + (15 - (l \ 2)) - 4, yy + l), Col - (15 - l) * (Style AND 1)
IF (BitPattern AND 32) THEN PSET (xx + (15 - (l \ 2)) - 5, yy + l), Col - (15 - l) * (Style AND 1)
IF (BitPattern AND 64) THEN PSET (xx + (15 - (l \ 2)) - 6, yy + l), Col - (15 - l) * (Style AND 1)
IF (BitPattern AND 128) THEN PSET (xx + (15 - (l \ 2)) - 7, yy + l), Col - (15 - l) * (Style AND 1)
'This is the same as above, except xx isn't fixed to make it italic.
IF (BitPattern AND 1) THEN PSET (xx, yy + l), Col - (15 - L) * (Style AND 1)
IF (BitPattern AND 2) THEN PSET (xx - 1, yy + l), Col - (15 - l) * (Style AND 1)
IF (BitPattern AND 4) THEN PSET (xx - 2, yy + l), Col - (15 - l) * (Style AND 1)
IF (BitPattern AND 8) THEN PSET (xx - 3, yy + l), Col - (15 - l) * (Style AND 1)
IF (BitPattern AND 16) THEN PSET (xx - 4, yy + l), Col - (15 - l) * (Style AND 1)
IF (BitPattern AND 32) THEN PSET (xx - 5, yy + l), Col - (15 - l) * (Style AND 1)
IF (BitPattern AND 64) THEN PSET (xx - 6, yy + l), Col - (15 - l) * (Style AND 1)
IF (BitPattern AND 128) THEN PSET (xx - 7, yy + l), Col - (15 - l) * (Style AND 1)
'This increases xx by the width of the current character.
xx = xx + FontArray(ASC(MID$(Text$, Chr, 1)), 0)
'This returns the pixel length of Text$ in font FontArray().
FUNCTION vLen (Text$, FontArray())
'It's quite simple, it just adds all the character widths together.
TempLen = 0
FOR I = 1 TO LEN(Text$)
TempLen = TempLen + FontArray(ASC(MID$(Text$, I, 1)), 0)
VLen = TempLen
And there you have it...hopefully you can do something with it. You can email me at <sam.thursfield*>, visit my (rubbish) site at, download vFont3, look out for Aradina (my QuickBASIC RPG), Canal Company (my DJGPP simulation game), Mood 3D (my DJGPP 3d engine) and Ardos (my Inform text adventure) when they're finished. If that's not a great plug, what is? Also, I learned all this from many other fonts, including Phillip Jay Cohen's Outlined Font, Peter Cooper's FontPut, Leandro Pardini's MSFont, and M/K's MKFont.

Answer 10
[ by ALAN LUDLOW, Oct. 5, 1993 ]
*** Answer English
My follwing program generates individual fonts in the graphic SCREEN 12. As an Example, the alphabet is displayed in underlined, italic and superbold stiles.
*** Antwort deutsch
Dieses Q(uick)Basic-Programm ermoeglicht es, eigene Schriftarten in SCREEN 12 zu erzeugen. Als Beispiel wird das Alfabet mit unterstichener Schrift, Schraegschrift und Fettdruck angezeigt
*** Example Program
' FONTER.BAS = Font generator for SCREEN 12
' ========== Font-Generator fuer SCREEN 12
' Deutsche Beschreibung
' -----------------------
' Dieses Q(uick)Basic-Programm ermoeglicht es, eigene Schriftarten
' in SCREEN 12 zu erzeugen. Als Beispiel wird das Alfabeth mit
' unterstichener Schrift, Schraegschrift und Fettdruck angezeigt
' English Desciption
' -----------------------
' This Q(uick)Basic programm generates individual fonts in the
' graphic SCREEN 12. As an Example, the alphabet is displayed in
' underlined, italic and superbold stiles.
' (c) by ALAN LUDLOW, Oct. 5, 1993
DEFINT A-Z: DIM Font(94, 8, 16), XS(8), YS(16): GOTO Start
' A$ = String to print
' Col1 = Color of font
' Col2 = Background color of font (used with shadow)
' T = Tool (0=none, 1=underline, 2=italics, 4=shadow)
' X = Starting X position (in pixels)
' Y = Starting Y position (in pixels)
' XSize = Size of font horizontally (in pixels)
' YSize = Size of font vertically (in pixels)
IX = XSize \ 8: IY = YSize \ 16
T1 = t AND 1
T2 = t AND 2: IF T2 <> 0 THEN T2 = 1
T3 = t AND 4: IF T3 <> 0 THEN T3 = 1
XS = IX * 8: YS = IY * 16
FOR I = 1 TO 8: XS(I) = IX: NEXT I
FOR I = 1 TO 16: YS(I) = IY: NEXT I
IF XS <> XSize THEN FOR I = 1 TO XSize - XS: XS(I) = XS(I) + 1: NEXT I
IF YS <> YSize THEN FOR I = 1 TO YSize - YS: YS(I) = YS(I) + 1: NEXT I
FOR I = 1 TO LEN(A$): C = ASC(MID$(A$, I, 1))
IF C = 13 THEN X = 0: Y = Y + YSize: IF Y < 480 GOTO Oops ELSE RETURN
IF C = 32 THEN X = X + XSize: IF X < 640 GOTO Oops ELSE RETURN
IF C >= 33 AND C <= 127 THEN Char = C - 32
TD1: XS2 = Font(Char, 0, 0): XS3 = 0
FOR A = 1 TO XS2: XS3 = XS3 + XS(A): NEXT A
X2 = X: Y2 = Y
FOR K = 1 TO 16: Z1 = YS(K): IF Z1 = 0 THEN 96
FOR J = 1 TO XS2: Z2 = XS(J): IF Z2 = 0 THEN 95
IF Font(Char, J, K) = 0 GOTO TD2
X9 = X + Z2 - 1: Y9 = Y + Z1 - 1
IF T2 = 1 GOTO T2
IF T3 = 1 THEN LINE (X + IX, Y + IY)-(X9 + IX, Y9 + IY), Col2, BF
LINE (X, Y)-(X9, Y9), Col1, BF
T2: Q = (4 - K \ 2) * IX
IF T3 = 1 THEN LINE (X + Q + IX, Y + IY)-(X9 + Q + IX, Y9 + IY), Col2, BF
LINE (X + Q, Y)-(X9 + Q, Y9), Col1, BF
TD2: X = X + Z2
95 NEXT J: X = X2: Y = Y + Z1
96 NEXT K: Y = Y2
IF T1 = 1 THEN LINE (X, Y + YSize - 2)-(X + XS3, Y + YSize - 2), Col1
IF T1 = 1 AND T3 = 1 THEN LINE (X + 1, Y + YSize - 1)-(X + XS3 + 1, Y + YSize - 1), Col2
X = X + XS3 + 1
Oops: NEXT I
Start: SCREEN 12: COLOR 15: PRINT "Please wait...": COLOR 1
Char1 = 1
FOR Char2 = 33 TO 126
LOCATE 2, 1: PRINT CHR$(Char2)
FOR J = 1 TO 16: FOR I = 1 TO 8
Font(Char1, I, J) = POINT(I - 1, J + 15)
I = 8: A = 0
2691 FOR J = 1 TO 8: IF Font(Char1, I, J) <> 0 THEN A = 1
IF A = 0 THEN I = I - 1: IF I <> 1 THEN 2691
Font(Char1, 0, 0) = I
Char1 = Char1 + 1
NEXT Char2
X = 0: Y = 0: t = 0: XSize = 8: YSize = 16
A$ = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890!@#$%^&*)"
PRINT "This is a sample of the 8x16 font...": PRINT
Col1 = 10: X = 0: Y = 16: GOSUB PrintText
PRINT "This is a sample of the 8x16 font underlined...": PRINT
Col1 = 11: t = 1: X = 0: Y = 48: GOSUB PrintText
PRINT "This is a sample of the 8x16 font italicized...": PRINT
Col1 = 12: t = 2: X = 0: Y = 80: GOSUB PrintText
PRINT "This is a sample of the 8x16 font with shadows...": PRINT
Col1 = 13: Col2 = 5: t = 4: X = 0: Y = 112: GOSUB PrintText
PRINT "This is a sample of the 8x16 font underlined, italicized, with shadows... ": PRINT ""
Col1 = 14: Col2 = 6: t = 7: X = 0: Y = 144: GOSUB PrintText
PRINT "This is a sample of the 16x16 font...": PRINT
Col1 = 10: t = 0: X = 0: Y = 176: XSize = 16: GOSUB PrintText
PRINT "This is a sample of the 8x32 font...": PRINT : PRINT
Col1 = 11: X = 0: Y = 208: XSize = 8: YSize = 32: GOSUB PrintText
PRINT "This is a sample of the 32x32 HEADLINE font, with shadows!": PRINT : PRINT : PRINT
Col1 = 12: Col2 = 4: t = 4: X = 0: Y = 256: XSize = 32: YSize = 32: GOSUB PrintText
PRINT TAB(29); "Written by Bryan Flick"
PRINT TAB(32); "53 Olde Mill Run"
PRINT TAB(30); "Stroudsburg, PA 18360"
PRINT TAB(27); "717-421-1764 (24 hour BBS)": PRINT
COLOR 11: PRINT TAB(21); "(C) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved"
This programm is available in the Progs\ directory and online under .

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